ICYMI: Latino Leaders Are Socializing A Unifying Message on Immigration, Kamala Harris Should Follow Suit Tonight

ICYMI: Latino Leaders Are Socializing A Unifying Message on Immigration, Kamala Harris Should Follow Suit Tonight

As Vice President Kamala Harris prepares to address the Democratic National Convention tonight, there is renewed urgency to deliver a resonant message on immigration. With the GOP’s spending on anti-immigrant ads reaching record levels—over $220 million since January—particularly in battleground states like Arizona, Nevada, and Ohio, where key persuadable voter groups reside, Harris has an opportunity to energize the base, sway undecided voters, and ultimately help the Democratic ticket rebuild a coalition that reflects the diverse and inclusive future of the nation.

This week at the Democratic National Convention, leading Latino lawmakers including Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA), Representatives Veronica Escobar (D-TX), Pete Aguilar (D-CA) and and Senate candidate Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) emphasized the need for Democrats to champion a popular, balanced approach to immigration reform–one that combines border security with paths to citizenship, including Dreamers and other long-settled undocumented communities. Tonight, the Vice President should heed their call.

Reaching the Persuadables

Harris’s campaign strategy has highlighted her record on border security, but to secure victory in November, she must also emphasize her commitment to keeping families together and offering pathways to citizenship for Dreamers and other long-settled undocumented immigrants. This approach is crucial to winning over the key voter segments the Hub identified last year with BlueLabs Analytics, including the "Conflicted Dems," "Unengaged Youth," and "Immigration Side-liners.” These groups are particularly concentrated in Southwest and Rust Belt states – essential states to win on the path to 270 electoral votes –  where immigration is a top concern and where the GOP has heavily targeted its ad spending.

As we wrote yesterday, polling data supports this strategy. Today we’re highlighting key Democratic leaders who are already setting the example at this week’s convention.

On Tuesday, Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA) underscored the importance of acknowledging the 11 million long-settled undocumented immigrants who have lived and worked in the U.S. for years, a population whom 82% of voters support providing a path to citizenship. He stated:

“A pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, for farmworkers, for essential workers, has to be part of the conversation.” He went on to emphasize: “The choice this November is clear... What does [Trump’s plan] mean? Chaos in our communities, fear, and damage to our economy. Under Kamala Harris, [we’ll get] not just a smart approach to the border, but justice for undocumented immigrants.” See his remarks here.

On Thursday, Senator Padilla told CNN that he expects Vice President Harris to deliver an immigration message that reinforces her commitment to keeping our border safe and our nation’s commitment to “Dreamers, farmworkers, and other long-term residents of the United States, who happen to be undocumented but contribute to much to the success of their communities and our country.”

Messaging That Resonates

Last night, Vice Chair Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA), the highest ranking Latino in Congress, continued to tout this approach while highlighting the stark contrast between the two parties’ visions. He amplified the enormous impact of the Biden-Harris administration’s recent executive order offering protections for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens, stating:

“All [Trump] knows is chaos and division. He talks about tearing American families apart, pitting neighbor against neighbor... Compare that to what Kamala Harris has done as Vice President: almost half a million people who live here and are married to a citizen can now apply for lawful permanent residence, DACA recipients who graduated college have easier access to work visas.” See his remarks here.

Representative Veronica Escobar (D-TX) also spoke to this contrast:

“All Republicans have to offer is demonization and bluster. Democrats have solutions. With Kamala Harris as President, we can live up to the promise of America. We can strengthen legal pathways to immigration. We can secure our borders, and we can treat with dignity those that seek a better future within them.” See her remarks here.

A Bold Vision for America

Tonight, Harris has the opportunity to present a vision that stands in stark contrast to the GOP's fear-mongering. While Trump and his allies continue to push for mass deportations and family separations, Harris can position herself as the leader who will uphold America’s values as a nation of immigrants. By articulating a bold, solutions-oriented immigration policy, she can connect with the very voters the GOP is attempting to sway with their divisive rhetoric.

Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) perfectly encapsulated this dual focus, stating:

“You can be for [policies that make sure] we’re checking everything coming across the border and, at the same time, want Dreamers to be here and to become citizens. You can add more immigration judges and still want to keep and preserve the asylum system. You can want to rectify the fact that there are 10 million people living in this country, in the shadows, that have been here for decades.” See his remarks here.

In key battleground states like Arizona and Nevada, where the GOP has focused aggressive spending, Harris's ability to connect with voters on immigration will be crucial. The data is clear: voters overwhelmingly reject the cruel, enforcement-only approach of the GOP. Harris can make it clear that her administration will continue to fight for families.

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