Mark Robinson's Radical Views: A Dangerous Fit for North Carolina’s Present and Future

Mark Robinson's Radical Views: A Dangerous Fit for North Carolina’s Present and Future

Diego Bollo, Communications Intern at the Immigration Hub

Sofia Cava, Advocacy Intern at the Immigration Hub

Dumb Ass Communist Americans.” That is what North Carolina's Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson thinks of the 24,050 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients in his state. Outside of Trump and other high-profile far right Republicans, you may not have heard of Robinson, but his rhetoric reflects some of the most nativist rhetoric so far in North Carolina’s history. From claims that all immigrants are criminals to demands for inhumane and draconian border security measures, Robinson, if elected, could threaten North Carolina’s present and future families and workforce.

Just as Trump unapologetically deployed bigotry to gain national attention and embolden his extremist followers, Robinson brazenly flaunts his crude insults, malicious rhetoric, and nativist claims throughout the North Carolina electorate. In a state where 8% of residents are immigrants, 7% have at least one immigrant parent, and 1 in 9 workers is an immigrant, Robinson’s platform not only harms American families, it inaccurately reflects voters’ opinions and gives the wrongful impression that extremism has a place in the Tar Heel State. 

Robinson’s ugly campaigning did secure him an endorsement from Trump in March. However, Trump’s high praise of Robinson as an “incredible gentleman” and “great, natural speaker” are not reflective of voters’ attitudes: 

  • 82% of battleground voters endorse creating pathways to citizenship for individuals who have resided in the U.S. for an extended period of time, pass background checks, and pay taxes. 
  • An outstanding 76% of battleground voters support granting work permits to Dreamers who meet similar requirements.
  • In another survey by the Immigration Hub and Vera Action, a majority of voters agreed that some politicians are using scare tactics about new migrants and crime in order to get votes” (68%), including 64% of independents and roughly half of Republicans (48%).
  • In the same poll, the majority of voters agree that our leaders should be focused on solutions that “make life safer, more stable, and secure for all of us.”

It is clear that Robinson’s anti-immigration agenda does not align with the policy preferences of North Carolina voters, but simply reflects a fabricated Trump-world that has been fueled by sophisticated multi-million dollar misinformation campaigns.

Since the beginning of the year to May, right-wing groups have allocated more than $17.8 million dollars to anti-immigrant television ads in North Carolina aimed at disseminating misinformation and promoting hateful rhetoric. An astonishing 40% of their ad airtime in April was dedicated to weaponizing immigration and immigrants against Biden and Democrats.. These aired for several crucial election races, including the presidential, gubernatorial, and House seats. Buzzwords mirror the hostile language Trump and Robinson propagate: “crime,”  “fentanyl,”, and “invasion.” 

In February, spending on anti-immigrant campaigns surged in an effort to foster hateful sentiment towards immigrants across North Carolina.

Robinson’s effort to portray himself as North Carolina’s leading far-right figure also overlooks the immigrant community’s substantial economic contributions. North Carolina boasts a significant 11% immigrant population in the workforce, with the majority of workers contributing to industries concerning manufacturing, construction, and healthcare. Notably, 64% of immigrants are currently within the prime working ages, compared to around 33% of native-born NC residents. North Carolina's current economic stability clearly relies on the immigrant population and it appears that the state's future prosperity will equally necessitate their continued contributions. 

North Carolina voters crave balanced, humane, and comprehensive immigration solutions that simultaneously strengthen the border and extend legal pathways to long-term immigrants. The positive reactions to Biden’s recent executive action to “keep families together” have been galvanizing and welcomed. . Mark Robinson epitomizes the GOP’s extremist agenda under the guise of representing the people, and North Carolinian voters must support the immigrant community by casting their ballots in November and rejecting his anti-immigration agenda.

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