The Next Best Time to Deliver Citizenship is Now

The Next Best Time to Deliver Citizenship is Now
Photo by Colin Czerwinski / Unsplash


In case you missed it: Immigration Hub released the findings of a new battleground poll, conducted by Global Strategy Group, that demonstrates overwhelming support (81%) for creating legal pathways for Dreamers and undocumented immigrants in the U.S. Despite lawmakers’ enduring hyperpartisan split on reform, American voters’ support for this kind of solution has remained steady for years. The poll, which surveyed 1,200 voters across Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, shows that support for legal pathways even carries across party lines with Independent (77%) and Republican (74%) voters.

As the news cycle continues to hyper focus on the southern border, voters are clearly eager for solutions that address the needs of long-settled immigrant workers who are essential to the vitality of local communities and economies. The Biden administration should seize this opportunity to meet the demands of the American electorate and take decisive action to expand pathways for Dreamers and other long-settled undocumented immigrants to gain U.S. citizenship or legal status. The best time to advance humane and balanced immigration reform might have been decades ago, but as immigrant communities continue to face cruel attacks across the country, the next best time is now.


In a latest analysis conducted through AdImpact, the Hub found that in the February 2024, over $26,670,256 million was spent on 211 anti-immigrant TV ads covering federal and down ballot races by candidates, PACs and other groups in seven battleground states (AZ, FL, MI, NC, OH, TX, WI). Most of these ads were deployed in Texas, with 29.80% of ads focused on immigration. North Carolina followed as a close second with 29.08% of ads focused on immigration. 

Not surprisingly, the majority of ads mentioned the “border” (212 times) or employed key right-wing buzzwords, including crime (135 times), drugs (27 times), and crisis (30 times). It's clear that there is a saturation technique happening to keep the American public in a surround sound system of negative association with immigration ahead of the election. 

Within the same February tracking period, the Immigration Hub also found through Critical Mention, that there were 4,918 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets to an estimated audience of 19 million people. The majority of overall negative immigration mentions in February centered around the border, with an emphasis on Texas and the dueling visits by both President Biden and Trump, along with articles focused on the murder of Laken Riley in Athens, Georgia. 


Earlier this month, Vice President Harris launched a “Latinos con Biden-Harris” campaign, highlighting how Latinos are part of the fabric that makes this country great. Four years ago, Biden won Latino voters 2-to-1 over former President Trump, and it’s important now more than ever to connect with the fast-growing segment of the U.S. population. This year, an estimated more than 36 million Latino voters will be eligible to cast a ballot in the general election, according to the Pew Research Center, an increase of nearly 4 million since 2020.

As the daughter of immigrants herself, Harris is uniquely positioned to discuss just how vital it is to create a pathway to citizenship among the immigrant population and Dreamers, strengthening a sense of belonging and inclusion. This values-based video is a model for how to use the right messaging to not only acknowledge the pain point of having a broken immigration system but soothe that feeling by highlighting that we are a nation of immigrants with solutions on how we can tackle it with fairness and equity.


Texas communities were ensnared in a legal back-and-forth over SB 4, an extreme anti-immigrant law that would authorize state officials to detain, arrest and deport any individual suspected of crossing the border without authorization. Legal experts and advocates rightfully argue that such a law would inevitably lead to racial profiling and other civil rights abuses. Although Texas is currently blocked from implementing SB 4 while an appeals court considers its legality, the law has already set a dangerous precedent for other states looking to eschew federal immigration authority.

In the same week, Iowa state legislators passed a bill that would criminalize unauthorized entry into the state. In Georgia, spurred by the tragic death of Laken Riley, lawmakers are advancing a similarly dangerous bill that would require local and state police to arrest and detain “suspected” undocumented immigrants. These efforts are far from outliers, as the New York Times reports that at least 7 states, all under Republican control, are pursuing or have already considered similar legislation. If SB 4 is upheld, it is likely that more states will feel emboldened to follow suit.

Here’s the catch: no immigration or “sanctuary” policy prevents law enforcement from arresting immigrants who have committed crimes. In Pennsylvania, Lancaster lawmakers recently codified a policy that states that local police or city officials may only inquire about a person’s immigration status if “required by state or federal law or by court order, or reasonably necessary in the course of a criminal investigation.” The law empowers all Lancaster residents, regardless of immigration status, to feel safe when reporting crimes or accessing essential health and social services while police may also conduct necessary criminal investigations. As hyperpartisanship continues to stymie earnest attempts at reform, it is crucial to continue reminding lawmakers and the public alike that balanced and humane immigration policies are not deterrents to justice or public safety, they’re catalysts. These are the types of solutions that our system needs and that American voters want

🌟 Exciting news! 🌟

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📸 As we kick off this new chapter, we invite you to explore some recent moments on our platforms: 

1️⃣ Come meet our Executive Director, Kerri Talbot. A champion for fair treatment of all immigrants and refugees, we’re honored to have her at the forefront of our fight for justice. 

2️⃣ Here, we’ve outlined our 2024 priorities, remaining steadfast in advocating that the Biden administration deliver comprehensive immigration reform. #ImmigrationAdvocacy

3️⃣ Refugees & asylum seekers contributed $363B to federal taxes & $218B to state/local governments from 2005-2019, showcasing their immense economic impact. Let's advocate for an immigration system that aligns with our nation's economic needs.

4️⃣ 🎙️Have you heard the latest episode of the @electorette podcast? 🌟 Deputy Director Beatriz Lopez shares invaluable insights on tackling border challenges, championing shared values, and proposing humane solutions. Let's be bold, lean into the conversation, and unite for balanced reform. 🎧

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